Become a member of our team

Become a member of our team

Work for people who understand you. Looking for a position in the fast growing, innovative workshop, where your skills really appreciate? You've come to the right place.

Work for people who understand you. Looking for a position in the fast growing, innovative workshop, where your skills really appreciate? You've come to the right place.

DN Group is founded by people like you, so we are committed to be the best employer you've ever had. We offer an exciting career in the field of CNC machining, metal fabrication, welding and metalworking. In our power to reward the good quality work as well-aimed praise, and above-average salaries and benefits. We require only the best for our customers, so it is necessary to have a specialized team focused and happy not to do my best work. Therefore, we believe that you will join our team perfectly.

create jobs for CNC machining, metalworking and welding. We want our people were among the best in the industry. We choose whom we hire, and often decide the experience, skills and techniques in the field, docility.

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